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Terms and Service

We prioritize the safety and security of our customers above all else. To ensure a highly secure transaction process and protect our customers' information, we have implemented several technological measures.

We understand that online transactions can sometimes pose a risk of fraud from third-party individuals. However, we have established the following guidelines to mitigate this risk and safeguard your online shopping experience:
1. Logging Out: If you are using a public computer or terminal, always remember to log out once you have completed your online session. This helps prevent unauthorized access to your account.
2. Password Confidentiality: It is crucial to keep your passwords confidential. Please be aware that anyone with knowledge of your password can gain access to your account. Hence, it is important not to share your password with anyone.
3. Strong Password Creation: When creating a password, we recommend using a minimum of 8 characters, including a combination of letters and numbers.

To enhance security, avoid using dictionary words, personal information such as your name or email address, or easily obtainable information.
It is also advisable to change your password frequently. If you need assistance with changing your password, please visit our "Changing Your Password" page in your Account Section.

4. Avoid Password Reuse: Avoid using the same password for multiple online accounts. This practice helps ensure that even if one of your accounts is compromised, your other accounts will remain secure.

We also urge you to exercise caution with unsolicited emails and phone calls to further enhance your online safety:

1. Contact Policy: will never contact customers via email or phone to request the disclosure or verification of their password, credit card information, or banking account number.
Such sensitive information should only be provided when placing an order on, registering for Payments, contacting directly, or updating your account details.
If you receive a suspicious email with a link to update your account information, do not click on the link. Instead, visit directly and then access your account.

2. Unsolicited Requests:
If you receive an unsolicited email or contact from an unknown entity, requesting confirmation or provision of your password, personal, or banking information,
please ignore the request and report the incident for investigation.
Your cooperation helps us identify potential fraudulent activities.

3. Reporting Suspicious Incidents:
If you come across a suspected spoofed email or a fake website, please immediately report the incident.
Your assistance in identifying these incidents allows us to take appropriate action to protect our customers.
We value our customers' trust and strive to provide the highest level of security for their online transactions.
By following these guidelines and being vigilant, we can work together to ensure a safe and secure online shopping experience at

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  • For more details, please visit Verisign's official site: